
S23 30mg/ml 30ml

(16 customer reviews)


S-23 is an orally bio-available, selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that has been proven to increase lean muscle and bone tissue while being tissue selective. Minimal water retention is seen. It binds to the androgen receptor more strongly than Andarine and it has shown a good ratio of anabolic to androgenic effects.

S23 is an orally bio-available, selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that has been proven to increase lean muscle and bone tissue while being tissue selective. Minimal water retention is seen. It binds to the androgen receptor more strongly than Andarine and it has shown a good ratio of anabolic to androgenic effects.

S23 is currently being investigated by GTX, a pharmaceutical company that primarily develops hormonal drugs, including a number of other SARMs. Interestingly, S23 is being investigated as a potential male hormonal contraceptive.

As a member of the SARM category, S23 works to selectively target and produce anabolic results in muscle and bone tissue without some of the limitations and side effects of traditional steroids.Similar to testosterone and other SARMs, S23 targets the muscle and bone tissues to promote muscle growth and bone health. Unlike testosterone, S23 does not target the prostate tissue so it does not cause prostate enlargement. On the contrary, studies show that S23 reduces the size of the prostate [1].

S23 has a half-life of 12 hours.

*All prices in Canadian dollars. The information presented here is intended for educational / informational purposes only

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